Please take a look at our case studies below…
case studies

Investment Management Industry
Ten firms work together to tackle under-representation of black talent in the investment management industry.

Fidelity International: Diversity
Fidelity International sought to recruit a new cohort of apprentices, for their Kingswood offices in Surrey.

Salesforce wanted to see more black representation in their highly competitive and sought-after summer internship programme.

UNleash was an innovative, transdisciplinary project based programme for schools undertaken in 2020.

St. James’s Place: Early Careers Insights
St James’s Place collaborated with EIA and the University of Gloucestershire to host a ‘Classroom to Boardroom Programme’ as part of their social mobility and diversity strategy,

Fidelity International: Social Mobility
EiA delivers international social mobility programme for undergraduates from India, China and UK – all working together.

Barnardo’s National Programme
EiA designed and delivered a national programme focusing on employability skills and personal development for the young people they support.

Unicef seek Gen Z insights on how to engage with the next generation of donors.

Sixth form students across the country explore how to support RedSTART’s ambition to deliver financial education to one million children.

Barnardo’s seeks to improve their rapport and relationship with the younger generations; particularly Gen Z who could be potential future donors.

PwC ask Year 12 students for ideas for supporting young people in terms of education, employment or training in the wake of COVID-19.

NSAR + Routes Into Rail
Students explore ideas on how to better engage and attract young female talent into the rail sector.